Advanced energy is powering America, from upstate New York to Florida’s Gulf Coast, the Texas panhandle to the Las Vegas strip. Advanced energy technologies are spurring a manufacturing resurgence across the U.S., from Pittsburgh to Phoenix, bolstering our energy independence. Everywhere, advanced energy is cutting energy costs, creating family-sustaining jobs, and fueling U.S. energy dominance.  

Smart tax cuts, from the tech-neutral provisions to the domestic content adder and manufacturing production credit, make all of this possible, unlocking private investment in advanced energy projects and factories across the U.S. If America is going to lead the world in energy, innovation, and prosperity, sustaining and supporting these tax policies is key.

Scroll down to learn more about how advanced energy is growing America’s economy, and the role tax policies play in that process.

$3 trillion

$846 billion

13.7 million

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